Moonshine Duo
The brilliant vocals, acoustics, energy and their audience interaction from this fabulous duo will leave you wanting more and more!

The brilliant vocals, acoustics, energy and audience interaction from this fab duo will leave you wanting more!

Inti Cardoso Garcia
Citrus Bistro & Bar are proud to present a Christmas evening with Inti – The Classical & Spanish Guitar Virtuoso Very limited spaces so hurry and reserve your table today by calling 965 97 40 76 or send an email to admin@citrusbistrobar.com

MOONSHINE – Country Brunch
Come along and join us for BRUNCH & COUNTRY MOONSHINE DUO will be performing Acoustic Covers, Country Classics and Modern Country Wear Your Cowboy Hats n Boots! CALL 622 949 879 TO RESERVE YOUR TABLE

MOONSHINE – Country Brunch
Come along and join us for BRUNCH & COUNTRY MUSIC MOONSHINE DUO will be performing Acoustic Covers, Country Classics and Modern Country Wear Your Cowboy Hats n Boots! CALL 622 949 879 TO RESERVE YOUR TABLE